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Shopping Centre

Carpark King

Shopping Centre Line Marking

A Full-Service, Fully qualified and insured Experienced Line Marking company operating across Sydney and NSW wide.

Best Prices and Best Service across NSW!

Bring your shopping centre car parks and sidewalks to life!

Carpark King are Sydney and New South Wales’ foremost experts on installing car parks for shopping complexes and Malls, including the design and marking of Car park spaces, footpath and pavement line marking, signage, bollards and boom gate installation, pedestrian crossings, disabled designation and more.

We’ve built a decades-long reputation for delivering the highest quality line marking solutions across all types of commercial spaces. The keys to our success stem from keen attention to detail from our line marking installers and using only the highest quality paints and products to ensure maximum service life.

Line Marking at a shopping complex

Our Shopping Centre Services

We strive to deliver the freshest colour schemes, detailed surface preparation for maximum adhesion and precise markouts to ensure we deliver the most accurate markings relative to all our competition.

Our customers range from standalone outlets, small shopping villages, local governments, shopping malls, large shopping centres such as Westfields and any other scale commercial car parks and facilities you can imagine.

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